Meet: Céline Bossart — Freelance Journalist, Copywriter, & Media Consultant
Welcome to the Meet: series. These are interviews with women in media and content who inspire me — whether they're launching their own companies, juggling multiple full-time freelance jobs with their families and social lives, creating beautiful campaign imagery for brands, or anything else — and I'm honored to get to share their stories.
Céline Bossart
Freelance Journalist, Copywriter, & Media Consultant
How would you categorize the scope of your work, and what does your work entail?
Full-time freelance in multiple fields. I'm primarily a freelance journalist specializing in wine, spirits, and travel. I also do some copywriting and social/digital media consulting.
How did you get into doing what you do now?
I started blogging while traveling in 2012, and when I moved back to NYC, that helped me land a job in media (I was on the marketing team for an agency). From there, I launched my own travel lifestyle platform, THE STAYCATIONERS, and that helped me get some freelance travel writing gigs. I eventually found my niche in the wine and spirits space (personal passions that go hand-in-hand with travel) and was able to ultimately become a full-time freelance journalist.
Did you go to college to study the field you currently work in?
No, I went to the Fashion Institute of Technology for International Fashion Merchandising Management and Italian Language. It's an intense school in the heart of the city so it prepared me for being a self-sufficient, independent, and hardworking adult in a fast-paced atmosphere. I also was able to land two media gigs directly through my school (one with GQ and one with MTV), which were integral in the career trajectory I wound up taking.
Did you work full-time in another field before landing in your current role?
Yes, I worked full-time in the media/marketing department of a lifestyle agency. Everything before and after that has been media-related in one way or another.
What is your favorite part about working in different fields?
As a freelancer or independent contractor, you have to be adaptable, forward-thinking, and always hustling. Working in different capacities comes naturally with that, especially if you're money-motivated. It's hard to make a living as a freelancer but if you're smart about it, you can do well for yourself, but not if you're pigeonholed.
What's something you wish you knew before taking on multiple roles?
I wish I'd been more organized from the get-go. I've also always been a horrible accountant but I've gotten better over the years; if I could go back, I'd start my assignment/invoicing spreadsheets a lot earlier than I did.
What advice can you offer someone who wants to be an entrepreneur, work for themselves, or just to have a side hustle in addition to their current job?
Don't bite off more than you can chew. Be gentle with yourself, but stay driven and focused at the same time — finding that balance and being selective about where you devote your energy (as well as knowing what you need to do to pay your bills/be comfortable) is key.
Who are some women you look up to who embody the phrase #ShesAllThat — on Instagram, IRL, or otherwise?
Ashtin Berry, Cyndi Ramirez, Alexandra Machover, Christina Zayas, Shanika Hillocks
What was a recent #ShesAllThat moment for you?
I recently started taking a wine certification course — initially I had wanted to go back to FIT to study millinery, but COVID-19 kind of sidelined that, so I decided to invest in myself in a different way. When I complete this course, I'll be able to use the certification in professional settings, and I believe it will improve my wine writing.
Where can people find you?